Rocker arm hit valve cover?


diesel dork
Dec 14, 2008
Alright guys so my motor has had a tick for quite some time checked the valve lash and was fine. The other day I noticed the #1 valve cover has a crack/dent as if the rocker arm hit it. I pulled the cover to find that it did hit. So I checked the lash and was fine. Also checked the piston to valve Clearence and it was okay to. So what would cause this to happen? Don't spin over 4k rpm either if that matters. I'm gonna do a comp. check and leak down test to make sure the tick isn't a bent valve. Any ideas?
As far as the dent or crack in the valve cover im really not for sure what mite cause that. But for the tick check the lift pump my lift pump was working great had plenty of psi just had a ticking noise. To determine if it is the lift pump fire the truck up and push the hand primer in a little bit and see if that makes the noise stop
The tick is comin from the valve covers (atleast sounds like it) I'll try that thanks
sounds like they floated, but Id figure it would do damage to the pushrod if it went far enough to hit the cover
Yea I havent pulled them out yet to check hopefully I'll have time today after work, if they floated that far wouldn't u think it would put the valve into the piston?
Pull out your long screwdriver and hold it to your ear and move it around on the engine, you will pinpoint the tick quickly...
I've already gone around it with a stethiscope (or how ever u spell it). And it all just sounded rattlely lol