Rocker torque specs


New member
Feb 11, 2011
installing a head gasket and arp studs on my buddies 07 6.7, does anybody know what the torque specs for the rockers and injector hold downs are?
inj. hold downs at 89 inch pounds..

can't remember rockers but I beleive its high 20's or low 30's...
27ft lbs for the rocker bolts and 89inch pounds for the injector hold downs, I hope you marked the injectors to so they go back in the same cylinder they came from or you will have issues
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On a 6.7 the injectors are are programed to each cylinder so they are cylinder specific. If you get them out of order it will run cruddy or not at all.
well i took everything out and laid it down in order from cylinder one to six

I'm Major OCD so I do this Every time I pull the head internals anyway (Which with my history, has been A LOT)...

I always keep things in order, even if they'll not supposed to worry about it...

I bet most of us are like this though...

They are coded to the ecm but they will run in whatever hole. I have changed to many to keep count with out having to recode the first one. I have only heard of one issue with one needing to be recoded.It just happened to be #6 and the code is almost impossible to read as it is on the backside of the injector. Changed the code with one of the other injectors and all was well,the injector that showed incompatible stayed in the #6 hole and used the same code as another injector. Not only have i changed nozzles and went back in different holes but i have change all #6 injectors multiple times with no issues. It boils down to the injector having a batch code that has certain parameters,certain resistances will vary from one electronic to another. If the ecm's min to max adjustment is not in the range of the injector it will throw a incompatible code and or a injector performance code,but like stated earlier,i have only heard of this happening once.