RSV governer

I have the WHOLE pump from a 200 HP application.
It was on one of those HUGE field sprayers, the ones with the floatation tires.

$200, plus shipping.
I am very interested but i would like to have the numbers off the pump and governer tag first to make sure its not a p-3000 the look almost the same.....thanks Nick
Okay, here's the numbers:

1st line: PE6P120A120A120RS3358
2nd line: 0 402 066 704
3rd line: 08126 10581

1st line: RSV475-125OP2A613
2nd line: 393 5780211

That is all I can see on 2 separate tags.

Hey can you PM me your phone number where i can get ahold of you so we can talk about shipping and what not.....I would send you my number but every time i try to send a PM it says i haven't made enough post. thanks Nick
Well the pump that Mark has ended up being a p-3000 so it looks like im still looking for a p-7100 RSV.:doh:
Personally, I don't believe that it IS a P-3000 pump, especially since it was in a 200HP application, but it's hard to find out exactly what it is with so little information on the part numbers being shared.

The pump in question is indeed a 3000 series the part number states that.
The pump in question is indeed a 3000 series the part number states that.
Point me to the media, or a source where it's published, so that I can verify it.

If it's scrapmetal, I'd like to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is such before I turn it in.


It was a working pump.
The engine had dropped a valve, which was what put it out of service.
I'm going to check with a shop locally and see if they can put a "name to the face", as it were.
Chances are they'll want it for a parts pump.

Point me to the media, or a source where it's published, so that I can verify it.

If it's scrapmetal, I'd like to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is such before I turn it in.



My shop is a BOSCH dealer, I can tell by the number and yes I can look it up.
Believe me beyond a shadow it is a 3000 ser. pump.LOL It is not scrapmetal but if you want to give it away I will pay your shipping to take it off your hands.
It is no doubt a 3000 series...I called diesel injection service and scheid to run the numbers and both of them said it was a 3000.
I knew that it was a P-3000 days ago.

I had a very friendly and helpful person CALL ME on this and we went through the numbers on it.

I learned a lot in a 20 minute conversation, probably more than all the Google-ing and searching the internet would have netted me in a day!

Thank You ART!!!

I don't understand why it makes a difference if it is a p3000 pump or not? Most of the RSV parts can be used on a P7100. You just need the adapter housing to go between the two. I still have what's left of a P3000 if anyone is interested. I used the rest to put the Ag gov on my P7100.
the only reason I care if its a p7100 is because i have already sold the pump that was on the truck so i figured it would be easier to find a p7100 rsv pump and build a fresh one than having to worry about buying a p3000 rsv and a 7100 getting the adapter plate and all the other BS that would go along with it.