Run a 68/88/14


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I got an industrial injection 68/88/14 for free. I understand that for a vp it's probably way big. Any help in suggesting what to compound with. As always said on forums. I have searched here and many other forums with no info on compounding with this turbo.
I'm picking it up this weekend. I'm not 100% if it's an s400 or not. Would it be to laggy to run as a single with 250s for now?
Don't really want to just sell it. I know it's not commonly used and that's one of the reasons why I want to run it.
I would think that it would be pretty laggy but if you have a stick it would prob be controllable and have great top end espically with 250's
I'm auto right now. I plan converting to 5 speed on about a month. I mainly use my truck for fun. Occasional light towing and will prob do some sled pulls this fair season.
Where would I buy a different turbine? If I could. Pretty new to turbos. Looked on industrial injections site and didn't see anything.
Ok so picked up the turbo yesterday. It has some in and out play so I will need to rebuild it. The guy I picked it up from was clueless about it. How would I tell what body it is has. Only identifying markers on it is the iis stamped on it.