first of all its not an exact sience, but i will have a 400hp on the money truck there to pull with this class. The class is expected to play fair, but if someone is that desperate to win they have to drop down to a class thats called 400hp n under that is there own stupidty! We have several trucks that try to sneak something into the class and when they out pull the rest by 20feet they get bumped to the next class, as for my ability to judge trucks you will just have to get something by me lol!
The class will be based on stock tubo, no nos, no propane, blocks abd wieghts are allowed up to 7800lb, no upgraded trany, dot tires, i will be askin to see the type of programmer if i see a need then you will pull the programmer out and renstall it in front of one of the officals, and anyone i feel has slipped one by me will be bumped out of competition! It is easy to tell who lied when the truck goes down the track!!
I have been techin trucks at area events for the past two years and i have only had one complant((it was not about the techin but the use of nos)) We expect the pull to be fair and fun and anyone who has a complant is to bring it to me first not to the other pullers or the tract officals or it will be ignored!
for any more info feel free to call and talk to me about it anytime
Nelson Rector @ (276)237-0440 (276)236-5939home after 10pm
Thank you for your questions!