

Breakin Crap
Sep 23, 2007
Hey guys i was just wondering how much will my truck smoke with just these RV275 injectors...
Do these injectors work on the HO/ETH engines?

EDIT: I know they work. But does the different pistons they put in effect the spray pattern.
Phily 911 said:
Do these injectors work on the HO/ETH engines?

EDIT: I know they work. But does the different pistons they put in effect the spray pattern.

Yes they'll work...no, the different pistons won't affect the pattern!

Thanks I didn't know if the spray pattern was different or it would spray outside of the bowl, etc. Is there any pics of the difference between the pistons?
Thay dont smoke much. little off the start clears up fast. but if you add a fueling box, smoke comes on good.