S-B ConFe slipping??


Rookie but not a newbie
Jun 15, 2009
I (w/friends) put a S-B ConFe clutch in back in early 2009, mods in my sig, nothing major. Running 400- 450 hp est. Smarty on Economy. The last couple days starting slipping at times.
Last fall had major work done; 2 bad injectors>> #5 and #1 Piston, Turbo (stock), and had the head done @ 230K miles. So I don't want to do a clutch, the S-B seemed beefy, I don't pull heavy, 25' TT 7K lbs and all highway miles. Adjustment I missed? Do they glaze over? I do drive 100 a day on highway (500 / week).
Any Thoughts?? Thanks
They dont glaze over. They do however eat flywheels and pressure plates like a boss. 5 years old isnt too bad. I also bet the clutch hub is a lot loose and maybe a little broken.

Some thing happened on my 05. Went to a valair budget dual disc with organic discs (dual stock) and a resurfaced flywheel. Pedal is definitely lighter, and now 3 years of heavy pulling (campers otr) and still no issues.