S400 turbo Sock $65 + shipping


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
Never installed! Decided I didn't need it for the big turbo on my twins install.

What are the real benefits of this . Might want it for my single

This would of been for my primary turbo, but it doesn't get nearly as hot as the secondary and the primary tucked much lower obviously. I just don't see a reason for it for me right now since I haven't installed it yet. I do have a sock on my Secondary (s300) and the hot pipe wrapped, specifically to keep the heat off the hood and cowl with the parts with in inches of them. You are more likely to burn your hands touching the compressor housing than the exhaust housing.

As far as for a single, they really do keep the under hood heat down. I had a blanket and sock for my single 66 and I noticed a huge difference in the A/C working better in stop and go traffic. Like some of the testimonials for Levi's stuff says, you can really touch a red hot turbo with this sock in place. I've done it my self immediately after a 700whp pull and it was just luke warm. The heat's got to go somewhere and it should be spinning the turbine.
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