

Still learning
Aug 10, 2010
So I need alittle input from the turbo gurus. Imods are in my sig. Do I have enough fuel to spool an s465? Truck is a dd/weekend puller. I see threads about 400 frame chargers but haven't had my questions answered. I'm on a tight budget and a $1500-$2000 turbo just isn't gonna happen so Im wondering is there a 465 setup that I can spool? I know I'll want an ett wheel and a t-4 housing but what else. Can a combo be setup reasonably priced without spending an arm and a leg? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

P.s. I live at sea level and rarely tow just dd haul wood sometimes and like to hit all the pulls in the summer.
I'd think you could spool it, if not stack on a CR49 or switch to EFI Live and you'd be there. I'd pick an S465 with a 83mm exhaust wheel and a 0.90 A/R T4 exhaust housing. Can find these for a grand.
im thinking its spoolable as well but i wont stack programmers and will consider efi when they come out with it for my truck. Thanks for the info of the sizes hoping maybe theres someone out there that is running a similar setup that has some input.
I run one on a 6.7 which changes things a bit, but if the weather is below 80 degrees and you are not at elevation it spools really well. If you get to above 90 degrees it is a little laggy add elevation to that and it is a dog. The nice thing with a s400 is they do not choke out on the top end like the smaller units seem to but you do sacrifice some thing on the bottom end. If you do not tow and are just going to sled pull it is probably a nice choice, also a 66/74/.90 can be had for about the same price in t-4 version. A cam really helped me spool this charger by around 2 hundred rpms.
Thanks for the info. What size injectors u running? I rarely tow and if so it's a small load. I am trying to avoid a cam for know but who knows what I'll end up doing.
im running a ED s468 on a 04 6speed its a 83 .9ar t4 spools great pulls like a yetty, im running large II sticks tho, i think the 6 speed makes it easier to keep it spooled you should be good
07redsled what size injectors are u running? my original plan was a super b special. but as i get more into sled pulling i am strongly debating going s400 frame for durability.i just dont wanna loose all my streetability.
like I said ED diesel , im not gonna be a cheerleader, and for sticks they are 300s