Saturday PA pull


Paid for by ME
Apr 2, 2009
west end fairgrounds...NOT a big payout for diesel, I believe they are doing 90-60-30. Usually a pretty hard but not sticky track if its on the dry side.

Pocono Old Tyme

Hope to see some of ya there
I'll be there, won't be pulling though because I don't have the safety requirements done to my truck. But hopefully they will allow me down on the track to photograph the event. I sent an email to the directors of the ASSC. but we'll see what they say.
Whippit...where do you hide? I live in effort too...I'll be teching on saturday, If you have loops you should be ok -
Whippit...where do you hide? I live in effort too...I'll be teching on saturday, If you have loops you should be ok -

I live off of Sugar Hollow road. I drive the white 99 dodge with stacks, but it hasn't been driven in a few months because the trans is shot. I'm working on getting a 5spd to swap in it soon.

I'll be at the meeting on Thursday night, going to try and get the ok from the board to photograph the event on Saturday. So I'll see you there.