Saying hi from Ohio

meyers farms...i come through ross on 128 a lot on my way to rising sun,IN. im right up the road in hamilton. well b/n hamilton and middletown i guess. i actually take all my deer to whitetail processing off of 128 and used lease/hunt that property across 128 where mt hope dead ends into 128.

what college u going to?? definately kills the truck fund for sure!
coon smile...yeah I know exactly where you are talking about. I just got done with student teaching at harrison high school which is right around the corner from Mt. Hope Rd. I'm at Miami University right now and will be graduating in may, so hopefully then I will have some extra money to play with on a diesel.
Where do you live at between Hamilton and Middletown? I was just in Middletown for work yesterday.
Also you got a good looking truck, do you pull around here?? Me and some buddies (dieseldave01 is one of them) go to a lot of pulls over the summer.
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thanks for the compliment! i pulled once last year at the adams co. fair and plan on pulling next season at a few fairs. its my daily driver so i dont like to beat on it too bad. you may also find me at tri-state and edgewater over the summer through fall.

since you probably know schools, i live in the lakota school district. lakota west grad. all my teachers there went to miami.