SB Iron giant


Turbo Crasher
Apr 23, 2006
Buddy has a Iron Giant he got last fall this was in a 06 , has 5 hooks and 10K miles he's trading the truck so taking a few things off asking 1200$

Call 270-991-3728 Josh

I have it sittin in the shop Looks like new...

I thought that # looked familiar. I was going to say he's a member here Rodney why are you posting it?! Till I scrolled down.....

What's up Josh why/what are you trading the truck/for?
Time for a change wit the baby here and all....

Welp.....that's one way to quit sled pulling.:kick: J/K Congrats on the lil Girl.

It's almost not worth it with the cost of fuel anymore. By the time I get some $$$ saved back up to be competitive again fuel will probably be $6 a gallon.:bang:bang:bang