Schematics for DPF system?


Staff member
Jan 22, 2007
Does anyone have electronic schematics for the DPF electronics on the new trucks? I've been slated by a buddy to figure out how to fool the computer so it won't throw codes when we butcher it and replace it with dual stacks. :evil

I've heard threads of resistor values to trick it. Any info would be great. I'm not having much luck searching so far.

Dont think you will find that info handily since that is what the vendors here us in their fooler boxes.
Ya, figured so. But I'm gonna figure it out one way or the other. It can't be rocket science. Any info will just save me time. Same deal at the Staxx clamp, why pay $400 when I can do it for $20. :D
yeah and as you saw it got way off topic. . . I was there and did all that.

I have experience with both the BADP and the H & S.

What do you want to know?
I have 100 ohm and 402 ohm resistors in my desk (vice the 110's and 390's) so I think that will work. I must have missed how to fool the O2 or pressure sensors, what ever those 6 wire things are.
OOOOOhhhhh baby!


And yes, they are not straight, it is just a dry fit.