Score one for the Dodge!!!


Let It SNOW!
Jan 11, 2010
I just bought another 98.5 2500 that is lifted and bagged on 39.5 ICONs. Flew down and picked it up from Houston and drove back. Everything was going great until I got 22 miles into Michigan on 94 when some jackwagon rearended me while I was going 75 mph in the center lane of the freeway. Well, the custom bumpers the make down in Texas sure can take some abuse as the only thing that happened to the truck was some shered off bumper bolts and a mashed pass side lower box corner. The 1500 2wd chevy? JUNK! Bent the frame so bad in the front that one front wheel wasn't even on the ground. The dude got out of the truck and was not even scratched!!! WTH man! State cops drew his blood on the site and called me yesterday with a report. He was wacked out on three kinds of chit. I still can't believe the dude walked away.
My wife had an experience not quite as bad as that with my rear bumper on my truck. She was backing up our driveway and we got a tree off the passenger side. She wasn't watching the tree and she smacked the tree hard. Tore big chunk out of tree and not as much as a rub on my bumper. Thats just another testament to aftermarket bumpers. My truck has a T3 bumper froom Uvalde Tx. And she backed her car into my bumper just a week prior to the tree hit. Im thinkong of sending her back to driving school. LOL
Had a guy disable he clutch safety switch on his cummins and start it and rammed my bumper. Busted his AC condenser and radiator, scratched the rattle can paint off my bumper.
I will show a picture of what happened to my truck tommorow. I was so pissed at the other guy I didn't get a picture of his truck. I can tell you for a fact that the front of the frame was bent bad enough for neither of the front wheels to be on the ground. Wastedis the best word for the condition of his truck. Oh, I have a picture of the rear bumper from the ebay add.
People lift trucks well above the impact bars of most vehicles and are surprised that it doesnt hurt the truck. There is no "bad ass truck" to it, simple phucking physics. That same thing can kill people in a small car.