

Hi I might be interested in these . pm me with # or email . Thanks
I'm curious how you run into so many sets of 5x14 injectors... I bought that set from you, and I've seen you sell a few others. Got a couple friends looking, but I don't want anything with vise grip marks on the return face like last time
I'm curious how you run into so many sets of 5x14 injectors... I bought that set from you, and I've seen you sell a few others. Got a couple friends looking, but I don't want anything with vise grip marks on the return face like last time

I spotted that he was interested in a different thread for a set of 5x14's also. Was wondering what was up.
I buy them get them tested cleaned and sell to make a little on the top, hey forrest I told u i would make right if u wanted and u said it wasn't that bad I'm not out to f**k anyone over just trying to make a little bit of money
Tell Ur friends I have 4 sets rightnow ready to ship I know how it is not wanting to drop $900 push on a new set