seafoam 6.0


Jun 4, 2009
i have and 05' 6.0. i have an intermitent hanging turbo. ithougt about puttin seafoam in the oil and unning it for about 30 min. befor next oil change to due some internal clean up. good idea, bad idea?
thanks man. how bad is it geting turbo off. what kind of parts am i needing to install it?
10mm socket
11mm deep socket for the v-band clamps
8mm socket
Pry bar for the oil drain
Couple of zip ties to get the wiring harness out of the way. (zip tie it to the windshield wipers

Word of advice, when you take the turbine housing off, make sure it is on the table and the compressor is facing up. Otherwise, the vanes will fall all over the place, which if this is the first time you have done it, will take you forever trying to figure out how they went.

You don’t have to mark the turbine housing and cartridge. There is a pin that locates them into position.