Second Skin SPL tile review, and sound deadening


Feb 27, 2008
So I was one of the winners in the recent give away of a 40pack of second Skin SPL tiles. A friend of mine gave me the leftovers of Raammat that he had after deadening his duramax, and I bought a bulk pack of Damplifier pro, so I could hope to at least finish the floor so I don't have to pull the carpet up again.

I used the tiles strategically as I believe they are intended to be used. Placing them over my transmission tunnel to reduce the vibes the driveline, as well as my downfiring sub. Then placed them along where the front seats mount to the cab.

These things are definitely thick tough little buggers. In many cases it almost worked better to use the roller as a hammer instead of rolling into to. Was like doing tin work when coming to some of the tight curves and shapes. Roller definitely worked on the flat and some changes in shape but you definitely had to work it.

Also cutting the tiles is doable with a regular utility knife like most mat, but honestly if you had to make lots of cuts a pair of tin snips or shears would make it much easier. Certainly don't have to worry about the tiles crinkling up as you drag the knife through it. I have used Damplifier Pro, Dynamat Xtreme, and Raammatt and these easily take twice the strength to cut with a utility knife.

Here is how the floor looked after getting everything out, a lot of sludge looking stuff all over the floor. Cleaned it up and started laying down the tiles. Kinda surprised at how far Ford went to make these trucks quieter inside, my friend 07 cummins certainly didn't have anywheres near as much factory sound material as this, actually his had nothing but a couple strips on the roof.


Used majority of the tiles on the trans tunnel, and under/around where the seats bolt to the floor


Also under where I rest my right foot since I have always felt it pretty strong through my heel. These have helped in reducing the vibes in the floor from the sub, and cut down quite a bit the noise from the driveline, motor is still pretty loud, but much more work needs to be done to the truck.

Its going to take quite a lot to stop from feeling the sub in the seats since the seats and center console share mounting holes. Plus its just gonna be hard to isolate a 1000w 12" sub from between the 2 front seats. But these tiles are definitely helping and a good start. I still have some more I plan to use on the doors around and behind the mids. Then if I have some left over possible on the mounting brackets for the seats/console.

We started out using the Raammat that I got from my friend and this got 90% of the floor done along with the tiles, but then had to break out the black Damplifier pro to finish up the footwells and some of the uncovered spots.



Almost finished up, watched Gone in 60seconds while laying it down :D

Finished up by adding some ensolite over it all to stop some of the airborn noise, this was also left over from my friends truck and just about covered the entire floor, we centered it pretty good and pulled it towards the back. I might add more in the footwells and firewall area later on, but at least that just needs the front seats to be removed and then fold the carpet back.


All in all it took me and my friend about 5 hours to pull the interior out, lay everything down and then put everything back in. I have noticed a pretty good cut in noise in the cab, but there is a lot to go, I know the backwall lets in LOTS of noise and then doing the doors and some more work along the firewall should start to make it much nicer inside.