sharpening cepek puller


Cheater Motor sports
Jul 29, 2008
I was wondering if anyone knew of a good way to sharpen the leading edge of a tire lug found on a cepek or pittbull pulling tire?
Im not a fan of them. We tried them on the race car tires, they just seem to corse and never gave a nice edge. We switched over to the stick on pads you use on air grinders for metal. I dont remember the grit but it freshins up our tires much nicer.
Nice disclaimer in the product description. Especially the last sentence.

Warnings like that are always because someone actually did that to themselves...or so I hear. :hehe:
I'm told that years ago, a tractor puller down the road from us used to chain his tractor to the power line poll with just enough chain to reach the highway... Wound it up and let her eat. Sharpened his tires before every pull this way, that's what I heard anyways... ha ha
I'm told that years ago, a tractor puller down the road from us used to chain his tractor to the power line poll with just enough chain to reach the highway... Wound it up and let her eat. Sharpened his tires before every pull this way, that's what I heard anyways... ha ha

ive heard stories that guys would turn the tires around so the tread was going the opposite direction, and go pull wangons down the road to sharpen them persay. weather its true or not i dont know. heard it a few times though.
I used the carbide wheels on my cepecs on the minirod and if the tire got to bad I used a electric wood planer works real sweat and easy.

They make a hot knife specifically for this job,The carbide discs are junk.
I made a fence for my wood router to control the depth of cut, works as good as a hot knife.

These work great for cutting the face of the cleat to get a good edge back.

Rubberhog, 3 Unit Wheels (Cups)

If your wanting to cut the flat part of the tire these work the best.

Rubberhog: 7 Grinding Discs

I hot knife or groover works great and leaves the best edge but they are expensive and can kill a tire if you don't watch what your doing.