Shift Flare?

Mike's Big Ford

Diesel Lover
Feb 20, 2007
Okay, so I have heard a lot of people on here talk about shift flares.

I'm not sure if this is what I am experiencing or not but when I take off in the morning, my truck will all the sudden shoot up in rpm and then shift. When it does this is really accelerates for a second then shifts then it does it again. Only while it is cold though. Afterward it warms up it is fine.

Is this a shift flare? If so what causes it and is it bad?

That sounds more like a cold start issue. All my tunes do it, some worse than others. Adding the "cold start" to your tunes will fix it but it will cost you some power. I just go easy for the first mile or so when its cold and all is well.
I fire the truck up from the comfort of my living room with the remote, wait 5 or 6 minutes and then go out to a nicely warmed (interior and exterior) truck... and drive off like a rockstar.
You really should not be smacking on the throttle untill all your temps are at normal operating range. Beating on a cold motor can cause headgasket failure as well.
Timbeaux38 said:
You really should not be smacking on the throttle untill all your temps are at normal operating range. Beating on a cold motor can cause headgasket failure as well.

Yeah I never step into the throttle till its up to operating temps.

I guess I will just let it warm up a little longer next time. It should be getting warmer this week. Hopefully.

Thanks for your responses guys!:thankyou2: