Silver Bullet 66 (Brand New)


Got Boost???
May 2, 2010
Brand new in box 2nd gen Silver Bullet 66/74/14 T4 flange .89 a/r.

It was going to be used for a 2nd gen setup on a 3rd gen CR but plans changed and ended up going with a bigger setup.

$1750.00 o.b.o
Since when did II start making silver bullets in anything but wastegated T3 again??
Hahahahaha it's a special order.. It's probably a box stock s366 with a .91 housing. Either post up the receipt from II or get lost. Too many people have gotten screwed on these kind of deals

What?? It's the straight up truth. I had a guy on a different forum try to sell me a batmo wheel'd s400, sent me a picture of one that he found online and then shipped me a stock hx35.. You either post up pictures of what you have with a receipt of this "special order" or don't sell it.