Slave cylinder gone bad?


Diesel Freak
May 10, 2010
Stock slave cylinder and clutch wondering i was sitting at a stop sign today and i went to push the clutch in and and put it in gear and it wouldn't go in so i pumped the clutch a couple times and it went into gear is this a sign that my slave cylinder is about ready to go or is a clutch finger sticking
PM TravisG. His clutch just got spongy all at once and he got new hydros. Come to find out...that wasn't the problem. Double check everything before you order parts. $.02
When mine failed, the first symptom was the clutch pedal was slow to return...

Of course, I was 350 miles from home with a trailer in tow.. so there wasn't much I could do about those symptoms. For what its worth: mine went out fast. Symptoms at 10:00am, and completely failed a few hours later. Thank God for some kind internet friends who were able to get me the parts to downtown Seattle in the middle of rush hour traffic as I lay stranded in a parking lot... trailer still in tow.
Seems like its never the hydraulics cause thatd be an easy fix... could be a pressure plate failure on one of the springs,damaged clutch disk, or hydros..
It could be a broken spring in the disc, bad pilot bearing etc.......
When my clutch master went out I had similar issues, good chance if your low on fluid it's your hydros.
When my hydros went bad the clutch would just not disengage some of the times