smart TNT/r. Rail pressure question


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
is the stock rail option the stock curve/ramp or just stock max pressure?

It occoured to me to day that less pressure at the get go = less timing = fast responce mean no more "wild" setting. Maybe if I had an auto
I think I'm going to stick with mild rail. There's a tiny bit of hesitation with zero boost. but over all, there's less "peddle work" to coach the truck along to get it to go.

With stock, you can for the most part just hammer down. minor timing rattle, and off to the races. with wild, I had to for a long while massage the truck up to WOT. with mild, if I'm under 20, in 1st or 2nd gear, it's just a tiny bit of work, on the highway stab the throttle to say 1/2, then just hammer down.

WOT in 5th I can just touch 25K on the rail, in 6th, over 100mph it's just a hair over 21K. (DDP 90's, stage 1 cp3 mods)

definitely likes being over 3500 better with less aggressive rail on the low end.

Bob/Marco. Do you folks plan to make mild a little less aggressive with less then 5 psi of boost? That might be the icing on the cake here.

It's such a change that on my normal on ramp to work if I give her nutz in 4th I get a little wheel spin in 2wd and it catch shortly after. tonight, I just blew the tires off on a roll in 4th. Soooo much smoother.
hmm... I need to play w/ rail... I've been running moderate for a while. I LOVED the way the truck drove on "wild", but didn't like the higher sustained pressure.

BUT, one thing I did do the other day that I REALLY liked was I pulled the TM down from mild to stock TM. SO much easier to drive without hazing on each shift. Hopefully get some better mileage out of it :o
Marco said the rail pressure the smarty does doesnt increase pressue beyond stock just plays with stock max pressure.
Well, that's true. but when and how is what I'm asking about. on wild, it essentially looks like it just opens the FCA 100% as soon as you touch the throttle. If I'm correct, pressure being to high to early is like adding timing. The truck reacts so much faster now.. my acceleration haze is much cleaner. I like it.

Forrest Nearing, I did the wild TQ for a bit and left it on mild. I might consider dropping to stock too to see if spool up is even faster yet with less over all fuel comming from very low boost (like 2psi).
Higher rail presure sooner, in effect is more fuel delivered. Which does the same effect as more lead timing. With any application, it needs to be tuned to your driving habits. I went back to 7 on the Smarty and run RP on setting #1. Only problem is the CP3 will build the pressure so fast, the programming can't control it. So I set high rail pressure codes. On 9 with an MP8, it would consume that extra fuel and keep the rail pressure levels managable.
Forrest Nearing, I did the wild TQ for a bit and left it on mild. I might consider dropping to stock too to see if spool up is even faster yet with less over all fuel comming from very low boost (like 2psi).

I started with it on wild, and I loved it on the highway, but it was dang near impossible to pull away from a light without fogging it out. so I've been going down in steps, and every time I take a step down, the truck has been nicer to drive. I will say that the wild is a lot more fun on the highway as rail pressure is there NOW, but it was so hard to drive around town like that, and I didn't like the sustained high rail pressure at cruise.

with it on stock TM, I can actually drive the truck without having to hawk-eye the passenger convex mirror to prevent hazing on every gear shift :)
I run mild rail pressure for daily driving and for racing I turn on the va3.1.
My DragonSlayer is well behaved and I don't get any codes from spikes. My rail pressure will max out at 24K with the va3.1 off. With the va3.1 at 50% I see 25.5K and at 100% 26.5K. You wouldn't think 1K would make much differance but on my truck it does. It will get too hot quickly on 26.5k and I have to get out of before 1/8 mile but at 25.5K egts are in control. I dynoed a few weeks ago with the va3.1 set at 50% and made 620hp. Next week I'll dyno at 26.5K and we'll see what differance 1K makes. More air is next.
Well I'm going to throw down on Hi-tech's dynojet oct 11th with the MN local club deal. I think I'm going to leave it like it is for the smarty. But I'll be doing 40 and a 50psi pull. I wouldn't be surprise if I pull a low 600.

Wicked, not to late to sponsor me a cp3 ;-)
I have mine on stock RP and moderate Tq management.
It drives as clean as can be unless I floor it from a dead top.
I really lke the MP8 with the Smarty....from a slow roll I can nail it and roll the MP8 to 100% and it's just a haze out the pipe....but the tires tend to evaporate. LOL
you can get away with higher TQ management with an auto tho. I honestly thing the smarty is built with an auto in mind, and little with a manual in mind.