smarty help bad please

srt cummins

New member
Sep 28, 2008
i bought a smarty for my o3 cummins. well my dad has an 05 cummins and i uploaded the smarty on his truck for work well i was out of town my dad sold his truck and i cant use my smarty anymore is their anything i can do?
Crap. Tell your Dad he owes you $600.00 from the sale and hand him the Smarty. :owned:

Not really. If you have a bill of sale you could most likely get it fixed through a dealer.

Or find the truck and set it back to stock. The purchaser might not be real impressed with the difference.
maybe by some chance the guy will be nice enough to let you get the smarty back if he a ass tell him not to tow anything or it will burn up the truck its turned up to high for pulling and will over heat he might then. I have heard of poeple that took there truck to the dealers to get reflashed and there smart program was gone and smarty sent them a reflash code for the programmer they will do this once i been told you can try that and like Snedge said you may have to tell dad he owes you some money
thanks guys i called him and he said the truck is running fine and he dont care if it blows anything so my dad is gettin me another one. should i just buy a used one this time?
call the guy back and see if he wants to buy the programmer tell him you'll sell it to him for 300 bucks at least you make something back on the deal.
call the guy back and see if he wants to buy the programmer tell him you'll sell it to him for 300 bucks at least you make something back on the deal.

Why would he want to buy the smarty, he already has the tune, of course if something went wrong he would be screwed.