smarty question


Cummins Nut
Jan 18, 2010
I have an 05. I use my buddies smarty so6 now and then. Never had a problem loading it till a couple weeks ago. Keeps giving me comm. Error when it tries to connect to ecm and usually worked the second try.......until tonight i can't get it to go at all. I have used his ssr too and that seems to act the same way. He dent have a problem with either on his 07. I have a edge juice with attitude on it as well. Don't know if its possible that started messing with it for some reason? Anyone heard of this problem?
I have an 05. I use my buddies smarty so6 now and then. Never had a problem loading it till a couple weeks ago. Keeps giving me comm. Error when it tries to connect to ecm and usually worked the second try.......until tonight i can't get it to go at all. I have used his ssr too and that seems to act the same way. He dent have a problem with either on his 07. I have a edge juice with attitude on it as well. Don't know if its possible that started messing with it for some reason? Anyone heard of this problem?

Some 05's can be a pain to flash. For something to try.. Pull the ABS fuse, and if you have an aftermarket pump pull the fuse to that as well. Make sure you plug both of them back in before starting. Make sure the batteries are fully charged.
