Smarty update, HELP!!!!!!!!!


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I did everything by the book even tried it on 2 diff computers, i go to the found new hardware box click no not at this time, then install from list or spec location, the location you specified does not contain any device information files........

I downloaded 7 zip and when i unzip the tune it says 0 can not open file ............................. as archive...

I give up!!!
Once you download 7-zip you must install it in your computer for it to work!

Download the software level from MADS website and save to your desktop, right click on the icon and go into the 7-zip menu and click "extract here"...this put the extracted file in a new icon on your desktop. Then plug the smarty into a usb port and click on "send", go to the top of the popup box and find your desktop, once you find the file on you desktop double click on it and it should start loading.
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i right click on the tune, go to 7zip, extract here and get the message "0 Can not open file 'C:\documnets and settings\jameslee\desktop\smarty\s06v146adr57tnt.7z' as archive
i went thru the smarty for dummies earlier and followed it to a t but it just aint goin right
i right click on the tune, go to 7zip, extract here and get the message "0 Can not open file 'C:\documnets and settings\jameslee\desktop\smarty\s06v146adr57tnt.7z' as archive

Ok, did you just download it or was it extracted once before?
just downloaded it, and iv tried it on my laptop w/ XP and my dads with Vista, no luck with either
it may help to try this. Delete everything you installed besides the zipped Smarty file. Create a folder in explorer call Smarty or what ever you want to call it so you know where it all is.

The first thing you need to do is install the driver. Drivers for any program always need to be installed first. Once it's installed then install the Smarty program. It will put a icon of the Smarty on your desktop ( you may need to tell it to put it there )

Now, click the Smarty program you download in zip format and extract it to the new folder you created. I put both files in my Smarty folder ( one is the downloaded zip file and the unzipped file )

Now to load it into the Smarty, click the Smarty icon and direct it to where the unzipped file is ( Smarty folder you created ). Click the unzipped file and the loading should start
ill try that thanks

When i installed the 64 7zip it said not supported by proccessor or somethin like that
Still no luck I can't get the driver installed, when I go thru the steps for it to search for it, it says does not exist or can not be found
Iv had 2 smartys before and updated them with ne problem but its been so long I can't remember, I know I didn't have this much trouble though. This sucks I was really hopin to get the tnt loaded for tommorow, but I will say the normal revo seems ten times better than the scary larry iv been runnin with this setup
well I know it's a pain but when having these issues, it's best to start all over again. In the control panel go to "add/remove" programs in XP or in Vista go to "programs and features". Delete anything to do with Smarty. You may want to delete the 7zip program too. It may help to restart the computer. Once that's done....

download " " and the 7zip from MADS site. Install the 7zip program. Then unzip the CDM to a temp file. Click the EXE file to load it. It happens in a flash.

Then download the "Smarty USB.exe" file. Click it and it loads the Smarty icon.

Now download the file you want to load to Smarty into the folder you've made. Unzip it into the same folder.

Now you should be ready to load the program into Smarty. Click the Smarty icon and direct it to where the unzipped program file is. The load should start.

This is the same procedure whether using XP or Vista.