Solenoid plug for HE351 tapped for boost elbow


New member
Apr 29, 2009
This is kinda like the ATS plug but is tapped for a boost elbow. I'm running one on the HE351 im installing for my twins. $40 + shipping. comes with the O-ring. PM me for more info.
you still selling these plugs? Can't PM ya 'cause I'm too much of a n00b still :rules: I'll go post or something . . . .
Still selling them man? Just did my swap and my HE351 won't make more than 26-28psi, this and an adjustable boost elbow should fix that correct? please pm me as I can't pm, because of low post count. Thanks
I bought my adjustable boost elbow and I am still needing this plug man. Let me know please. I am still in the low post area.
replied to everyone who PM'd me about this. sorry for the late response, i haven't been on here in a while.
Are you making and selling or just selling one? If your making and selling these you need to be a site sponser.