some help understanding pump adjustment


bombing addict.
Mar 31, 2008
well today i decided to pull my full cut dvs and put in a different plate. something more like a i swapped the dvs put in a different plate tuned the afc housing, and then tried to adjust the gov arm, but bieng stupid and not verifing what i was doing i was turning the uper set screw in the back of the pump instead of the gov adjust screw. I fired the truck up, it idled a bit high and as soon as i touched the petal it started to run away. long story short i thought it was my gsk because i was tinkering with that also but it was the top screw in the back of the pump. Now i have it running smother than it was before,( i think one of the gsk springs was one click tighter than the other), but i am still curious as to what the uper screw does in the back of the pump. it looks like it puts spring tension on the arm that controlls the gov arm
can anybod enlighten me as too what exactily this adjustment does?
That is the rack/gov ballance adjustement. Back it up where it was to begin with and readjust your lower screw to set your arm to plate height.
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well, took the truck to the store this morning and it doesnt want to start up very easy. seems like it doesnt want to idle untill its warmed up. so im thinking i need to adjust that screw out a little?
I would back the screw back to where you started. You might want to back the springs off 1 click as well.