someone please stop me.


Jan 16, 2007
i am thinking VERY hard about trading in and going back to FORD. :doh: :doh:

if you read the ford forum you will see what it is.

no, i am not hating on mopar, i love my cummins but i also love my 06 6.0 i currently have so i am thinking of trading in the cummins and going with another 06 6.0.

any input? haha
Your trading a 06 dodge to a 06 ford. What do you like about the ford that is so much better? Also look at the money you have put into your current truck. Most of your mod's won't be able to transfer over. Guess it all depends on how much the dealership is asking for the ford...
Don't do it, I just can't see going backwards. No offense 6.0 guys.
i always put quite a bit of cash into my trucks, then trade them off 6mo-a year later.

i bought this truck in september 1, 2007.

they are asking 26 OTD for the ford.
i always put quite a bit of cash into my trucks, then trade them off 6mo-a year later.

i bought this truck in september 1, 2007.

they are asking 26 OTD for the ford.

got to love right offs...saved me tons of money. In the end it, its not worth it though. 6.0l are money pits.
i know they are, but i cannot mod my current 6.0 because it is in my company's name, not mine.

so whether i get this 6.0 or not, i will be trading in my 06 dodge pretty soon.
on a duramax or 6.0.
we'll see.
Ide say keep the dodge but if you did trade it I would deffinetelly go with a duramax over a powerstroke,thats my opinion.
Stupid is what stupid does yup that's what Forrest Gump said! Don't get shot in the A$$ 6.0 is garbage just ask all the guys got burned by ford brilliance!
just my opinion, but why should we talk him out of it, it just one more truck a real cummins fan could your truck in and tell us where you traded it in at!
i never had any problems with my 03. i have an amazing ford dealer who ALWAYS gets my fords in and out within 3 days. free rental also each time. such good service due to the fleet we run through there.

i didn't get a chance to test drive the truck yet, but will be going back tomorrow.
I'd keep a Dodge because I'd learn the first time from going from the ford to the Dodge...see how much I hate them, I don't even capitalize them!
Just a thought for ya, why would you buy a stock 06 6.0L that you have to spend tie and more money to build, when you can buy one already built for the same price. If I am not mistaken zstroken had an 03 6.0L built to the gills for about $27k I think. Look in the forsale section. It says there is $50k in the motor alone.
You have a beautiful Dodge CTD,.....

i am thinking VERY hard about trading in and going back to FORD. :doh: :doh:

if you read the ford forum you will see what it is.

no, i am not hating on mopar, i love my cummins but i also love my 06 6.0 i currently have so i am thinking of trading in the cummins and going with another 06 6.0.

any input? haha

So in answer to your question,... try Brain Surgery!!:bang:bang:bang:bang