Something a little different


New member
Jul 9, 2013
Hey guys, I figured I'd give you a little break from the norm. I am giving a quick write up on chrome plating. Lots of pictures. I plated an injector for Chris over at Ducky Fuel Injection as a show piece. I"ll do another thread about my blinged out 12 valve later.

Anyways Here we go.

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Here's a litte before and after.

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This is after polish.
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Here it is dipped in the soap tank for a good cleaning.
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Then a good rinse.
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Now a little acid etching.
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Another rinse.
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In the nickel tank.
That's awesome, I'm assuming plastic is a completely different process though?

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Then a quick buff for color.
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after the buff you clean it, then put it back in the nickel.
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after the nickel, you give it another rinse. then another acid bath.
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Finally, into the chrome.
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This is what it looks like before the final rinse.
very different process. It's a different process for steel, aluminum, stainless steel, plastic, and pot metal.
Who does plastic? I spent lots of mula 10 yrs ago on a guy that was spraying chrome and spent lots of money in court getting my chit replaced because it didn't work!
I'm not a vendor here. pm me and I'll send you in the right direction. And there are 2 types of plastic. vacuum chamber, and traditional. Most car plastic is done vacuum chamber.
I'm about to start my 12 valve build thread. It's going to be called the Bling bling pinky ring build.
Right now it's a box of polished parts and a greasy engine. But it's going to be a good amount of Chrome, cast iron, and cummins beige.
Ok, so i have a bumper that is impossible to find that needs a little straightening And replating. Are you the man for the job?
I don't want to get kicked off here for soliciting work. But bumpers are childs play. I just wanted to throw a little spin on the norm. I'll keep posting pics of other stuff I'm doing on my build. And if anyone has any questions about how its done, I'd love to answer them.
I wouldn't worry about getting kicked off with some little stuff.. Lots of guys here do work actually diesel related, and a good bit who aren't sponsors.
Very cool. I may have a bumper too... Do you sponsor? LOL
I have a partner in crime. I would Def have to talk it over with him. But maybe if the juice is worth the squeeze.