Something about a DIESEL. . .


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Hello, everyone. Im brand new to the site, i hear this is the place to get all the answers. Lookin forward to talk to all of you. Thanks
WTF is up with you screen name!!

You must like the thought of burning in HELL!

Hope you consider changing it!
LOL I was figuring the response to his/her screen name wouldnt be taken too kindly. Not a lot of people worship Satan here... that I know of anyways :hehe:
Yea......about that screen name. Good luck gettin' anyone to take you seriously.
Going to have to contact a Moderator or Administrator...
Or one of the other HNIC's around here..

Up to you man, but changing your screen name doesn't do much for you heart and mind....Gonna have to talk to the man upstairs about that one!!
It's a screen name. There are much worse in my opinion than his.

Welcome to Competition Diesel.
I personally don't give a hoot it is just a screen name. You might not even worship Satan maybe your just tryin to be "hip" or some sort of "gansta" either way is slick Rick. Just tryin to help you make a better first impression