Sonora, CA 6/28


New member
Apr 28, 2006
Who is going?

We will be there, I am sure Joel is going and Drake will be there with his rig.

Remember to get there early, tight pits.

Going to high 90's

we will be there with Cole's truck, were meeting up with Nick along the way. Heading out of sacramento at about 11. See you there tomorow.
trucks and tractors. its the fair, maybe i will ride my bike up to watch.
We had a great time. I wish my truck would of performed better. We had a great time chatting with everyone. But come on, 4hr pull. great for L&L but, I thought it was to long. Yes we stayed to the end. Then high tailed it home to get some rest so I can work today. Sounds like I have to work on getting more mods so I can pull in Ukiah not just sit in everyones smoke. hahahaha. I still think Angela should of dropped a class and pulled in stock not SM. I lost all kinds of power when I through the 4 fuel injection codes on my second pull:badidea:. All in All we had a great time. I cant wait until Ukiah Aug. 9th. Off to work.
That was a good one. Short track?

We left after the last diesel class. My girls were wiped out and I still had a 2-1/2hr drive beginning at 10:30pm...

Being new to the pull scene: Seems like pullers like to break traction early. What's with that? I was always schooled that spinning tires is wasted power???
Short track it was. Lots of people, pits crammed like sardines! track was loose, the loosest sonora track i remember to date. BBD did a great job pedaling the throttle to get down teh track. My truck is still short shifting the 1-2 but otherwise ran well. Thanks to L&L and Brian Massetti for running a good show.

Also my hats of to Drake for spraying WAY more nitrous than I ever would in his mod class run and making some nice flames and a couple big bangs.. The crowd loves that stuff! hopefully you didn't hurt it too bad.
Short track it was. Lots of people, pits crammed like sardines! track was loose, the loosest sonora track i remember to date. BBD did a great job pedaling the throttle to get down teh track. My truck is still short shifting the 1-2 but otherwise ran well. Thanks to L&L and Brian Massetti for running a good show.

Also my hats of to Drake for spraying WAY more nitrous than I ever would in his mod class run and making some nice flames and a couple big bangs.. The crowd loves that stuff! hopefully you didn't hurt it too bad.
Right on bro thanks.Think i need to work on the nitrous alittle, A 500+ shot at one time doesn't work so good.I think i blew a the head gasket haven't looked yet still to tired lol...Had a blast think i might start sled pulling a little more it's way to much fun
pedaling the throttle to get down teh track

It sucks I have to do that, but we need to drive to the track conditions I guess :)

Had a great time, the smoke from the fires kept the sun from really baking us I think.

Not a lot of carnage that is a good thing and also evident of a looser track.

A big congratulation to all who showed up and pulled this is always a good show, you just have to get there early and be patient with the pit conditions. There is really nothing that can be done about it, there tight, plain and simple and I think the L&L crew did a great job with what they had to work with. MLM crew did a great job as always with the sled operations.

I agree Angie should have been in the stock class, and Drake 4th of July is next weekend :) hope the motor is okay.

I also agree, L&L did a dynomite job. The parking situtaion with us 8000 (s) trucks stuck in the back corner was not fun but, I still made it on the track.

Diesel power & Rockjeep73 Is it ok for me to post these videos on my site??

I"ll check back tomorrow,Off to work.

We (L&L Productions) would like to thank all of you who help make Sonora a great show this year. I just found out about this site...Nice! Good to see some of you in Gustine Tonight. Hopefully I will see some of you in Calistoga at PTPA's pull on Sat. July 5th

Sat??? To bad I have to work.
BIG thanks to you Mike and all you at L&L. You did a great job With with the cramped conditions. Great show, we stayed to the end.
Is there a Diesel class at the Calistoga pull? I might be interested in coming, since it's in my back yard. It is tomorrow though...