Speed World Sunday Funday


Jun 29, 2008
Alright ladies of the Central Florida area its time. The first Orlando Speed World Sunday Funday of the new year will be held on Jan 11th. As always I am sure there will be a nice turnout. If you are new in the area and wanting to meet some local diesels wrenchers, this is the time for it. As always gates open at 10:00AM Gen. Admission is $10 and $5 more to race. See you there.
calenders do me no good for January.... cause i will be will 7 days a week for a while starting this week, therefore i will not know what a weekend feels like for a while :doh: so im not going to make it to either:(
I'll have a Grill, Bring what ever you'd like to donate we are not picky!
Same one as last time.
What size is your Grill Big Boy LOL!!!!!LOL
Roger you got room on that grill for some more stuff? :hehe:

I figure since you're gonna be so busy grillin', I'll just take the immense responsibility of racin' you're truck for ya.... no, it's ok, really, I don't mind ;)