Sporadic APPS percentages and dead pedal


New member
Mar 26, 2013
Need help for my tow vehicle. 2005 2500 with the electronic pedal (not the 2nd gen pedal setup) When going up hill with my pull truck and trailer (~13,500 lbs) the truck well all of a sudden lose all boost, send out thick black smoke with the smarty either on SW 7 or 2 for about 2 seconds, then the truck will rev up and build boost to allot 15 psi without a downshift then lose all boost again in about 4 seconds and this will continue to happen until you peak the hill. But it only happens sometimes on the hills. Other times it climbs with no issues at all. Rail oressur seems fine. I have the WG shut off via the smarty.
The truck will also do the same thing unloaded if I go over probably 60% throttle, and this started happening before installing the smarty.
Had a friend put his scan tool on and APPS percentages were all around the graph so we threw in a new pedal and that made no diffrence. It's it possible I have a lose ground? Because its not a every hill kind if deal. I would say about 65% of the hills though.
If anyone knew any common ground that go bad or what voltages I should see at the pedal connector it would be really appreciated.
Thanks, Sarafin

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I am having the same issue with a friends 05 so i will be watching. but his truck has to warm up before it gets driveable. he even bought a cheap APPS from ebay and it got slightly worse. his is horrible with a cold motor but i can put a meter on his APPS and it looks smooth.
The scanner that showed the apps jumping around was one of the really nice matco scanners, however my edge insight with the throttle position sensor shows a constant throttle position while the trucks acting up

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