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But he had Flux injectors...hence no rattle. Should have followed his lead...

Or Eric Browns...or on and on...

I did...thank god!
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Bangs head man o life.. What a bunch of wasted typing... I can clearly see why marco and bob dont comment.. lol
he made those numbers while still in good standings with both of them, wasted typing, doubtful.
I had flux twos, rattled, flux 3.5's RATTLED.............

Kinda like Swoles rattle that all but disappeared after he sent his injectors to Marco for testing/ repair? Things that make you say hmmm....:confused:

tapatalking from droidx
Davids rattle was with larger sticks, Marco sent him back 90's. maybe he can't control the big ones, not yet anyway. I eliminated all chances at poor bodies or nozzles by going top of the line, brand new.
Davids rattle was with larger sticks, Marco sent him back 90's. maybe he can't control the big ones, not yet anyway. I eliminated all chances at poor bodies or nozzles by going top of the line, brand new.

No, his flux 4's had very little rattle after being returned. Maybe all you half yr model guys are just cursed? :p

tapatalking from droidx
its a blazing 16 degrees out. Where did my rattle go? It'll warm up to 30-ish this evening. i wonder if they'll come back

I haven't installed the radiator blanket, so the intercooler is getting lots of cold air

i did change one hard part, put a little more pre load on the TV cable. Accounting for torque managment

Heh. i suppose the efi tables that i need to go find would give me a clue. :)
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Flux's 2's, Silver 62 single turbo / single pump = no rattle
Flux 3.3's , Twins 62/480, dual pumps, (Decompressed) = LOTS of rattle
Flux 3.3's, Same performance stuff but a bit higher compression = less rattle but still there.
Flux 3.8's Same mods with slightly decompressed Monotherms = Rattle (not as bad as decompressed motor)
Flux 4's Same mods with monotherms = Rattled (had one injector not acting right - made rattle worse)

Marco's "supposed" 90's = very little rattle but still faint ( I say supposed because those SumB's made awesome power for 90's...Not much difference in my Flux 4's SOP meter)

Flux 4's back on with reworked / replaced part / blessed by the Pope injectors = More rattle than Marco's 90's... Seemed to get a little worse as they got broke in... But tollerable..

I'm Not getting in the fight about the "RATTLE vs correct parts" thing... I'm not the only one with this "rattle" throughout different mods and turbo configurations... Triton chased it for Years... Extrudes, Scheids, and Now Exergy stix.... All had rattle....
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