SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

No... Driving like on the road... NO booted launches. 0psi, idle then go WOT. I'm sure even yours rattles and smokes right? or wrong?

I have to say I have never tried it. What would even be more interesting, is to try it at my normal tune, and then de-tune it to your hp level and try again. If I can get it that low... LOLLOL

All kidding aside, I know that I can take off from a stop sign, in 2 wheel drive, I can give it enough throttle, to "burn the hides off of it", and not have any smoke or rattle. Like I said not sure about in 4x4 and going WOT. It's just not something I have considered doing.

maybe I'm not getting something, but no matter what LLRP I dial in my rp cruising along at 65 is always the same, 19-20 kpsi.
I have to say I have never tried it. What would even be more interesting, is to try it at my normal tune, and then de-tune it to your hp level and try again. If I can get it that low... LOLLOL

All kidding aside, I know that I can take off from a stop sign, in 2 wheel drive, I can give it enough throttle, to "burn the hides off of it", and not have any smoke or rattle. Like I said not sure about in 4x4 and going WOT. It's just not something I have considered doing.


Get it as low as mine... HA! :) That's funny
I ment 595 as a

maybe I'm not getting something, but no matter what LLRP I dial in my rp cruising along at 65 is always the same, 19-20 kpsi.

Maybe I'm wrong but you are going to see a higher pressure at cruise because you are running twin cp3's.. the numbers on the smarty are how aggressive the rail pressure is... It isn't going to lower the pressure that your cp3's are putting out on its own. Plus depending on if your seeing boost at cruise the computer may be adding more pressure.
Maybe I'm wrong but you are going to see a higher pressure at cruise because you are running twin cp3's.. the numbers on the smarty are how aggressive the rail pressure is... It isn't going to lower the pressure that your cp3's are putting out on its own. Plus depending on if your seeing boost at cruise the computer may be adding more pressure.

Dual pumps dont determine rp. They only give what is commanded by the ecm. The rp levels on the smarty just affect ramp rate. Higher the rp setting, faster it will ramp with throttle being applied. A pressure box will create higher cruise rp.

tapatalking from droidx
Actually dual pumps DO affect rail pressure.. Your telling me one pump supplys as much and duals? You can Run 27k+ with your single pump with 100%s and keep that kind of rail pressure ?
Actually dual pumps DO affect rail pressure.. Your telling me one pump supplys as much and duals? You can Run 27k+ with your single pump with 100%s and keep that kind of rail pressure ?

Im saying they dont affect the command value. Duals or single, ecm still commands x value. That value will not be higher because of 2 pumps. The original question as I read it asked why cruising rp wasnt higher because of dual pumps. Im not disputing duals will ramp quicker and maintain better than a single.

tapatalking from droidx
He's just talking about cruise, like stable load, boost, and TPS. because w/ a 120% over cp3 (a little less than two modded cp3s) and my smarty on 50/50 for rp it stays about 12k at 60 about 14.5k at 70 which is what it reads on stock SW, and what it read on w/ the stock cp3.
My bet is no new info until UDC is realeased. Then I'm going betting Marco makes a final ssr reelease for those that don't know vo the udc route.