SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

don't know if anyone else has experienced what I have recently experienced, but being as it's getting cold where I live they have started blending diesel fuel for winter weather, currently I'm running a 50/50 blend of #1 and #2 diesel, and the rattle is ridiculous, whereas before at similar temperatures and straight #2 with a bit of anti gel in it there was absolutely zero rattle, don't know if that makes any sense, but it has been the only variable that has changed for me
needed? no, can you use it, yes, some guys like being able to give it a crank of pressure in case a need arises.
Not my place too say much, but lets just say you / us SSR / Smarty owners need to hold on to them and be just a bit more patient.

:) UDC

I'll also say 03-05 = :)
Plus the others
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that figures, I sold my mp8 when I bought the SSR. new motor looks stock bud, SSR running inside?
Damn Swole...who told you to let the cat out of the bag....I have been choking for a while trying to hold my tongue with all of the SSR bashing going on. ;)
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Damn Swole...who told you to let the cat out of the bag....I have been choking for a while trying to hold my tongue with all of the SSR bashing going on. ;)

heh. its rather an obvious do or die play. not surprised the slightest. More so happy this little chit can be adjusted and fix if what ever it is, is what we all assume it is.
Not my place too say much, but lets just say you / us SSR / Smarty owners need to hold on to them and be just a bit more patient.

:) UDC

I'll also say 03-05 = :)
Plus the others

I finally have my truck running very good with the SSR and my mile is back up to tnt-r levels. But this lack of support and information have left a VERY bad impresion not only on myself but many members on this board. Marco is the original pioneer but competition is great. EFI will be ready for 03-05 sometime next year also. Smarty will be no more on my truck. Really don't care what Marco comes out with next. We are tied to him by default (03-05) and I have been recommending his programmers for years.

Off my soap box.