SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

I just wish us faithful Smarty users could have a little bit of info on what exactly U.D.C is. I don't even care when it gonna be available. I just want to know what the heck it is and if it involves us buying something else.
I finally have my truck running very good with the SSR and my mile is back up to tnt-r levels. But this lack of support and information have left a VERY bad impresion not only on myself but many members on this board. Marco is the original pioneer but competition is great. EFI will be ready for 03-05 sometime next year also. Smarty will be no more on my truck. Really don't care what Marco comes out with next. We are tied to him by default (03-05) and I have been recommending his programmers for years.

Off my soap box.

Couldnt agree more. Have been a faithful Smarty user since the beta 4.x days and have grown to accept the lack of support as the norm. EFI has come along and proved it doesnt have to be this way. No favorites or special attention being given to a few while the majority stay in the dark. Im in no way bashing the products Smarty has provided for us, as it was until recently always the best tuner for the cummins. But times have changed and ways of representing,supporting and fielding the users questions and problems have been taken to a new level. Even if this UDC is comparable to EFI, I dont for see me staying with smarty unless something drastically changes on the product support side.

tapatalking from droidx
What about the U.D.B.C. Version 205.12 race

Bob and Marco probably put that on the web site to get everyone worked up as a joke.
I agree I have sold alot of smarty tunners and have been loyal as well.. But I hate nothing gets anwsered.. I love how EFI has a forum and they talk to people and let them know whats going on... Customer support his huge in my eyes as well!
I will see if I can get Marco in here next week. MADS has been very busy lately. And I apologize for that.
Busy is good! Thanks for letting us know your still alive and haven't retired to your own little Island in the pacific! happy new year!!
It might be in my head but the truck seems to rattle less with 1.6b. It's only been on the road a couple weeks now, but no issues. Either I'm going to have to raise rp or lower duration. I'm get very slight smoke on light tip in of the throttle. I know my rp is lower now that it's cold, so I'll try that first.
busy enough that he needs an East coast employee to help with internet relations?
So wanted to get my truck on the dyno but with all this talk of UDC and what not I don't know if I should wait a bit. I don't want to spend the money on tuning and then have to retune again when another update comes out. Any way to find out when we can expect some info on this UDC? Also anyone read the Diesel PowerMag last issue before the New one about the tripple turbo Cummins. Thing made 1049hp on fuel with EFI live and 8?? With the ssr. What's up with that??? Would that be because the tune on the ssr was wrong or is it that EFI live is able to pull more HP. I persoanlly like my SSR I just wish, like everyone else we had more info on what we were adjusting and some more tunability would be nice. Looking forward to hearing what Marco has to say.
As soon as you buy anything its out dated these days...its just the way it is. Dyno the 16B and report back.
Doubt the SSR was optimal yet....its still the king of peak hp numbers for now. The tuning process is not as easy with ssr as efi because its blind so to speak....but I don't think peak numbers wiill much mush different for now....just the drivabilty nod goes to efi for the trucks that can use it.

Was that PC enough? Lol
Ok well guess ill schedule some dyno time and see what happens. Being that the weather is so up and down here in NJ its tough to get the low end tune real good. One day its barely any smoke and the next its got a haze.. Think I got it at a good medium finally though.
So I was playing with low end tuning again today since it was above 30 degrees and I had some free time. Noticed I was getting rattle once the truck warmed up and while cruising at around 70-75. So I started playing with a couple things. I kept my lld at 18 and brought my llt from 25 to 22. Raised my llrp from 10 to 15 and changed my torque management from 1 to 2. Well not sure what helped what, i'm guessing the torque management made the biggest difference. The truck spools soo fast and had no rattle even on hard acceleration. It just moves out. A puff of smoke and good bye. Going to play with it a little more tomorrow while it's light out since I have the day off. Just figured I would share my finds so far. Guess my truck likes TM2.