SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

With the new updates out, is the orignal #'s for the tntr#7 equivalent still going to work?
Well. Since there's almost zero snow on the ground this spring-winter. streets are clean and salt free.. it's going to be 37Degrees in a few hours and I'm kinda tired of working all the time... I uncovered my truck.

Pulled the IAT by the filter. It doesn't look at clean as the new one from Snedge. :-/ So that's replaced. Once I get my lock up switch remounted on the shifter with the OD switch I'm going to go for a drive and guess at more numbers. :)
I seem to have the grid heater light stay on and remember seeing someone else with this problem but no solution was there one? My scanner claims there are no codes so I can't clear anything.
I seem to have the grid heater light stay on and remember seeing someone else with this problem but no solution was there one? My scanner claims there are no codes so I can't clear anything.

That was me. Lol. I redownloaded and replaced the 1.6b on the computer and it hasnt come back on for the past few days. Glad to know its not just me. :D

tapatalking from droidx
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Since we can't get an answer on what settings are comparable to stock on 1.6B, does anyone know if we can load the older program back on the programmer? If so, Does anyone have the file they can send me so I can load the stock settings and build off that?
If you want stock, put it back to stock. Why have a tuner and try make a stock tune?

tapatalking from droidx
I've tried them all. :) all TM does is move the peddle faster for you.

Not entirely true. We have seen pretty big gains on the same #s and only going from tm 1 to tm 2. The truck ran pretty bad on tm1. Idle was rough and a lot of rattle. Tm2 is smooth. Tm3 breaks output shafts, lol.
Thanks homewrecker I'll give it a try.

Light came back on last night so I guess its not a fix:what: Im just hoping its not a bug in the ecm. My recovery file hasnt helped either. Im lost at this point.

tapatalking from droidx
post 3000 woohoo :bang and still no answers! Can't get over 18mpg with SSR and my 06 POD was 22.5mpg on #5 at POD 70 So I know it's possible but how? What did high egt's mean again? to much timing?
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