SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

Like I've said before...I have to change TQ almost every time I make other changes.
4 is too smokey down low to drive every time.
Tq1 and 2 with my recent settings makes my truck hang the 1-2 shift at very light throttle until I'm over 20 mph then it slams into gear. Those settings at WOT and it blows through the shift so hard it just blows off the tires and won't stop spinning.
Tq3 with my current settings is perfect...little to no smoke down low even when I'm medium throttle but at WOT it just barks the tires on the shift, tires stay planted for the most part and it just sh!TS and gets.

Which tranny in your truck? If you have a bell crank with TV cable you could adjust the TV cable a click or two so the cable has a bit more slack in it and it will not delay or hang the shift as much. Just make sure to try and keep the cable with an 1/8 of an inch of slack or less.

I have an 05 with a shift enhancer and programmer so I can play with my settings. TQ management plays little games with the tranny and I face it every time I play with TQ management.
Ran today with the Rail pressure at stock and it didn't seem to hang up I also changed the HLD to 17. How will i know when i have to much D? the truck also seems allot slower
From what I understand S.H.O.P (EGT, smoke, or rail pressure falling)Thats what I'm looking for. Won't be able to finish tuning HL until I get another cluct though. any body got anything else to look for.
Here's the dyno sheets from today.

I broke the pulls down so you could see some of what you have to work through with all those settings.

Here's the stock pull with no tune. Couldn't even get the turbos to light....


Here is the first "tuned" pull. This was how I had it set with what "felt" okay on the road....the dyno shows a whole different story. Sounded horrible; motor was missing like crazy.....


Here is working through the tuning to get the low end smoothed out and usable......


Here is after I finally got the low end smoothed out.....


Here is the high end tuning.....


Here's the nitrous pulls.....


Here's the nitrous vs no nitrous overlayed as a function of power.....


Here's the overlay as a function of time between the nitrous run and the non-nitrous run. While the power increase wasn't incredible, the total run time was over half a second faster in the nitrous run and was most noticeable until the 80 lit.....


Here is the raw data, settings, and notes that I took throughout the day.

I spent about 6 hours on the dyno and did approx 26 pulls. Bottom line, seat of the pants won't cut it.

The first page are my settings and results. The second page are the notes I took that correspond to the runs.


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So what shop in the Chicago area is dynoing and tuning? I am willing to travel a little but i only have 1 day i can spend right now. I saw there was someone in Wisconsin i think working with EFI. The only shops with dynos i knew here are closed.
Cummin-a-long, if you could please, can you post your specs. it's interesting that you have your low level timing so high..

As far as my current SOTP testing:

My duration is at LLD16 and HLD 18 now. Cleans up on the big end well, feels stronger, pulls even better over 3000. I had my HLR at 40 and that induced an RPM hang so that's back down to 28. my HLT is at 28. LLT is 16 and LLR is 16. Trying to figure out how to keep the low end smoke to a minimum. I might finally take paulb's suggestion (and from your data) and run a higher low level timing number and see how that pans out.
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Need some help guys..... running Vista and have 1.3A downloaded but when try to send it to the Smarty it keeps saying Unknown Software version of Smarty.....???

Ive tried twice now.....
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Main mods are dual CP3's, DDP 160's, 64 over 80 compounds, Hamilton cam,.....

There's all the supporting crap, but those are the main power adders in the equation.

The main thing that limited the peak power was the injectors....I was out of fuel up top. EGT's were peaking at just over 1400. Once the 80 lit, it cleared those 160's out with no problem and the nitrous had no effect once it was lit.

Honestly, I "thought" the truck felt good with the LL settings down lower but I didn't smash on it until I got it on the dyno. As soon as put it on the dyno with those LL settings down low and put it to the floor, the motor broke up bad. Didn't have nearly enough timing or duration to feed it.

It ran like garbage all the way up to 3000 RPM's and then it smoothed out, but below that was crap.

Once I brought those LL settings up, it ran like a raped ape. They effected it all the way to 3000.

One thing with mine is I DO NOT run excessive rail pressure. WOT throttle with those settings and it sits rock solid at 23K psi.
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Need some help guys..... running Vista and have 1.3A downloaded but when try to send it to the Smarty it keeps saying Unknown Software version of Smarty.....???

Ive tried twice now.....

Hey Buddy, did you try downloading the smarty driver from the Mads site? It's under "tools" MADS Electronics - Smarty - CaTCHER - Download CDM20814 WHQL Cetified Zip. I have a computer that is about 6yrs old now and when I plugged the smarty in, the driver didn't automatically install and I had to manually install it. Once I figured that out I was good to go. If you watch the instructional video on the Mads site they show you how to do it towards the end. I watched that dang video about 300 times before I figured it out hahaha. I hope what I just wrote makes sense. I am completely retarded when it comes to computers.
Hey Buddy, did you try downloading the smarty driver from the Mads site? It's under "tools" MADS Electronics - Smarty - CaTCHER - Download CDM20814 WHQL Cetified Zip. I have a computer that is about 6yrs old now and when I plugged the smarty in, the driver didn't automatically install and I had to manually install it. Once I figured that out I was good to go. If you watch the instructional video on the Mads site they show you how to do it towards the end. I watched that dang video about 300 times before I figured it out hahaha. I hope what I just wrote makes sense. I am completely retarded when it comes to computers.

I just downloaded the Regular Revo into my other Smarty before I sold it last weekend and everything worked fine..... So with this SSR Smarty do I need to download a new driver to make it work right?
Main mods are dual CP3's, DDP 160's, 64 over 80 compounds, Hamilton cam,.....

There's all the supporting crap, but those are the main power adders in the equation.

The main thing that limited the peak power was the injectors....I was out of fuel up top. EGT's were peaking at just over 1400. Once the 80 lit, it cleared those 160's out with no problem and the nitrous had no effect once it was lit.

Honestly, I "thought" the truck felt good with the LL settings down lower but I didn't smash on it until I got it on the dyno. As soon as put it on the dyno with those LL settings down low and put it to the floor, the motor broke up bad. Didn't have nearly enough timing or duration to feed it.

It ran like garbage all the way up to 3000 RPM's and then it smoothed out, but below that was crap.

Once I brought those LL settings up, it ran like a raped ape. They effected it all the way to 3000.

One thing with mine is I DO NOT run excessive rail pressure. WOT throttle with those settings and it sits rock solid at 23K psi.

Auto or Manual? Boost numbers?

Considering my injectors are almost twice the size (if you figure out the hp rating on 110%'s over I guess is 300-ish, I dunno anymore tho, all a guesting game!). then I'll pay attention to the low end timing and leave that low and high end duration low like it is now. I have done a few WOT stabs at lower speeds, it's just a moment and things pick up an go with a small puff of smoke.

Thanks for the input. The more the better for everyone!

There's gota be some sort

WOT, full load boost is 82 - 84 psi.

82 on the dyno? Not sure you have enough fuel for even the low end. you should defiantly upgrade the pumps a level or two and double the size of your injectors. :)

As far as 23,000psi on the rail, that seems to be a cap for pressure over all. It's almost like Marco didn't program anything to ever reach 25,000 or higher. I've set the duration high enough to where it'll only hold 19-20,000 but as I go lower and lower and lower on the HL or LL duration 23000 is about all she'll do in 6th. hm.
I was just on the highway with our horse trailer, pod set to 70 and it just started to excerlerate with the slightest touch from the throttle in 6th. Rp never seemed to jump much, but let off the throttle and it would bark the turbo. My wife was driving at the time and kinda scared her, I was to busy watching the gauges. I turned up the pod to 90 and it has seemed to cure have it. I've tried recreate the events but no luck.
The settings are;
Speed limit 150
Rpm high high
Shift limit off
Tq 1
Llt 17
Hlt 33
Llrp 35
Hlrp 35
Lld 19
HLD 30
82 on the dyno? Not sure you have enough fuel for even the low end. you should defiantly upgrade the pumps a level or two and double the size of your injectors. :)

As far as 23,000psi on the rail, that seems to be a cap for pressure over all. It's almost like Marco didn't program anything to ever reach 25,000 or higher. I've set the duration high enough to where it'll only hold 19-20,000 but as I go lower and lower and lower on the HL or LL duration 23000 is about all she'll do in 6th. hm.

I've noticed the same thing. In 5th gear I hit 24.5k fast, but once I shift into 6th I can't get over 23k. I've been all over place with the HL settings but can't seem to get any higher rp in 6th gear. I was starting to think that their was something wrong with my cp3, or possible issue with my quadzilla rp guage. I've been meaning to pick up a better rp guage but haven't gotten around to it yet. My main fueling mods are:

stocker/s474 compounds
wicked diesels stage 3 cp3
120hp injectors

Old School laptop.... had to download the new stuff from MADS wbesite!

Thanks again man.....

No problem, glad ya got it working:Cheer:
82 on the dyno? Not sure you have enough fuel for even the low end. you should defiantly upgrade the pumps a level or two and double the size of your injectors. :)

Just gotta turn the load cell up so it's as close as possible to the weight of the truck.

I start each run at 1500 RPM's, 20 psi and converter locked.

Yeah, that ain't happening....not this year anyways.

The rest of this year it's just gonna catch a beating.

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