SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

Thanks guys, Ill try that setting tommorrow.

I know I am fueled pretty heavy too so that doesnt help but just for the record one of the settings I tried was LLT 15 LLR 25 and LLD 10 and OMFG! I think i dumped about 4 bucks into the atmosphere!

too bad the LL vs HL isnt a little more defined, I could really use the Dyno to my advantage then

Hate to break it to ya, And arson III and 120hp sticks isn't much these days :) that's entry level stuff IMHO :)
well, I think I finally settled on the LL numbered 15/15/22. plus or minus 1. it's perfect for the 50-60degree temps over the past 2 days. might change the timing and/or duration when temps hit 90 again.

Lowering the rail from 20 to 15 didn't change smoke output. it did smooth out the throttle. I went back and forth on these a few times. easier to shift as the throttle does return to idle better
well, I think I finally settled on the LL numbered 15/15/22. plus or minus 1. it's perfect for the 50-60degree temps over the past 2 days. might change the timing and/or duration when temps hit 90 again.

Lowering the rail from 20 to 15 didn't change smoke output. it did smooth out the throttle. I went back and forth on these a few times. easier to shift as the throttle does return to idle better

What about Torque Management?
How does that effect your manual?
Where do you run it?
Tried you LL settings today Swole, didnt want to try the HL stuff til I got on the Dyno but since we strapped it down at the end of the day today I didnt have to wait long...

I started the way the directions suggested with LL 10/10/10

all runs were twice to insure consistancy and I am rounding ( like 446 to 450)

HLT 20 HLD 20 HLR 10 = 450hp
changed HLD to 30 = 500hp
changed HLD to 40 = 500hp (torque did improve about 50lbs)

since there was no change from 30 to 40 duration we backed it down to 35 and started with timing

changed HLT to 30 = 549hp/1106tq

thats as far as we got, we need to get a bigger fan set up to help move the exhaust outside so we stopped there because smoke was backing up around the tailpipe

(ps, I dont believe in correction factors so thes are raw numbers) for some that do like CF w/ ambient air temp and humidity- 585hp/1179 and the all too common 20% CF that I see alot of Dyno Ops run - 659hp/1327tq

I will continue to update as I continue

and Jason, I dont know if I said something that sounded like I thought I had big chit, thats not the case at all. This is an ongoing build (I have an S480, plumbing, a second CP3 and so-on, we are building the bracket and pulley and some other stuff. I have been doing this the way most should... took care of the tranny and bulit the internals of the engine first to handle these future plans, it'll get there.

(addition) sorry for the long post but how are you guys running (typically) on your Dyno runs? OD on or off, locked or not, boosted or rolled on, what rpm range? Just wondering how the cool kids are doing it, LOL
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I DO!! sheesh, you dont have to yell JK

I just thought I would ask to see if anyone was doing anything different is all, also, what about the others? rpm range, do you boost it or roll in? etc.
you said your "heavily fueled". you're not even close, heck my injectors are more then twice yours and i'd maybe consider saying that, maybe. :) Thats all, :)

Suggestions: if you made 500 on 30, 500 on 40, I'd see what 26 or 28 does before leaving duration on 35. with your limited runs on the dyno, you should run hld on 30 or less. if your seeing descent smoke, back the duration down!

have a rail gauge? tune the duration to that.
I meant heavily fueled for the air I have, not in general. thanks for the input, this Dyno is at my shop so I will have plenty of time on, just need to get the exhaust moving out better like I was saying.
so i have a few hours to kill today. I started playing with the way low timing numbers. I have an ever so slight timing rattle under 10psi. LLT on 23 or 15. all the way down to 6! I figure 6 is a little low since it's smokey and white :)

LLT 13 rattles a the least as far as I can tell. but the hesitation to get over 10psi is minimal. LLR on 13 seems to complement LLD 21 very well while smooth

with 110% over injectors that haze at idle, I dunno if I'll clean things up and go fast under the charger much. 13/13/21 makes an easy 60psi tho :) 1:1 drivepressure
good deal bud, I was too busy planting food plots wailing away on the JD to play with the truck, just for fun I rolled into high load a few times, man does it bring a smile to a mans face.
FINALLY.... had some time to mess with the SSR
Just played with LL settings for now....

TM 2
LLT 15
LLR 28
LLD 17

High loads were set at (for now)

HLT 30
HLR 40
HLD 32

I didnt have alot of time (that is hard to come by anymore it seems) but man the throttle is real touchy and the truck feels like it wants to go to WOT all at once if your not careful with the skinny pedal and feels REALLY strong with these LL settings, spool up is AWESOME and crusing EGT's are similar to the TNT-R SW#8.

Roads are wet so I wasnt able to do any real good testing today but this is what Ive got so far guys.... I did how ever hit the HL's for a sec and HOLY F@#$ did this thing feel like a MONSTER..... My truck has NEVER... EVER felt that strong. SO I cant wait till the roads dry and I get some more tuning time with this thing!
Marco this SSR is a BAD MF'er!
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BSwope, how big are your injectors? Try running TQ on 1 vs 2. Stock is actually to little for my tastes


I've been slowly still tuning it some more and I've being doing one number one option at a time and I'm 99% sure I found a winner on the low end, until the dyno tells me other wise. :) I have 4 hours this Friday at noon. w00t!


LLT 12
LLR 20
LLD 21

HLT 28
HLR 28
HLD 26

(major specs of my motor are back a few pages)

The only complaint I have right now is cruise control. at 70mph on a very very very anthill sized rise in the road the cruise gets jittery/pulsing. I think it's the rail in this case reacting to much. I had LLR on 21 this morning. After I warmed it up and changed the oil, and lowerd the LLR to 20, I ran the same road, same lane same speed and it was a tiny bit less, but still there.

Keeping up with traffic and then some, it's smoke free in 65 degree temps! throttle is smooth and easy going. It will take a newbie a little time to get used to it. With the SSR it's still a two way street, the software gets you most of the way there and you need to drive around the little stuff.

So far I'm a happy camper.
Jason my injectors are WAY huge.... their DDP 90's! :hehe:

you are possibly on the right track. try tq1 and lld 23-ish and LLT 18. finding the combo of the curve Marco wrote vs the throttle input torque management let's you run on that curve is what you're looking for.
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what do ya think Jason, time to apply peer pressure on buddy to up those injectors? what size should we talk him into ?
Na these 90's are all I need for 650hp, Gotta still be able to tow abit.... ;-)
Jason I think I read some where your truck is a 6 speed also. Are you getting a surge at 1600 & again at 2000 while crusin. Its not bad but I can feel it every time unless I floor it. Changing torque settings softens it but its still there. Have not realy tryed to trouble shoot yet. But truck doesn't do it with any other tuner
Ran a BONE stock 2006 manual transmission truck on the dyno this weekend with the SSR. Stock sticks, stock injectors, stock lift pump, stock everything.

The only mods to this truck are a 2" Leveling kit and 22.5" Rig wheels and tires.

Made 416whp, 409whp, 411whp, on three pulls.

First 2 were on 15/15/15 30/30/30, the last pull was on the one closest to TNTR#7 as was provided on the instructions sheet. It was at a dyno day so no real time for tuning.

Smoked when it was lugged a bit to start the runs (was an import car shop, they had never run a diesel before) but cleaned up right away. I think with a lift pump it would have made close to 500. Also it was stock turbo, with I assume the computer still controlling the wastegate it made for a strange graph (I will scan it tonight and post it) had a peak a pause and then the final peak.

Anyway here are the videos of it in order:
