

Difficult To Pronounce...
Sep 24, 2006
So my starter took a crap. I really needed the truck, so I decided to skip the larry bs and just get a new one. Went to Napa and got their highest quality option they offered. It started the truck, but couldn't disengage. About a mile down the road it came apart.. smoke, the whole nine.

The computer says I got the right one. They looked it up by the year/make/model. They even cross referenced off the part numbers. They all say I got the right starter. Here is the issue.

This is what their starters look like:

This is what my starter looks like:

If you look close, you can see the replacement starts have the long nose from the mounting area forward. Mine is a little stubby bastard.

I'm going to try the Larry Bs contacts first. But, if that doesn't work, where do I find the ACTUAL starter I need? I'm going to try Cummins NW tomorrow to see if they have one. If not, what the heck do I have?
Looks like I can get around this with a starter spacer.

If I can't get this one rebuilt, I will be trying that next.
Did you put your spacer on the new starter?

Not at this point.

I am still looking for an original starter that is the same as the one that came off the truck. Checking Cummins NW today for one.

If they don't have one, or if it is extremely expensive, I am going to first try to rebuild the starter I already have.

If for any reason the rebuild doesn't work I'll purchase the spacer and a new starter. Hopefully that will work.
It looks to me as thought the starter that came off of the truck had a spacer plate on it? (Difficult to tell from the pictures with all the oil, grease and dirt on the starter). I don't know what you have in your truck but I put a dual disc clutch in my 2000 and needed a spacer plate.

I was also able to swap the starters between my 96 auto and my 2000 6-speed. The starter in my 96 was from NAPA, when i had to replace it and the starter in my 2000 was from a local electric motor shop. Both starters went in and operated properly, aside from the spacer plate I needed for my 2000.

I would have never driven it with the starter engaged in the retracted position.
It looks to me as thought the starter that came off of the truck had a spacer plate on it? (Difficult to tell from the pictures with all the oil, grease and dirt on the starter). I don't know what you have in your truck but I put a dual disc clutch in my 2000 and needed a spacer plate.

I was also able to swap the starters between my 96 auto and my 2000 6-speed. The starter in my 96 was from NAPA, when i had to replace it and the starter in my 2000 was from a local electric motor shop. Both starters went in and operated properly, aside from the spacer plate I needed for my 2000.

I would have never driven it with the starter engaged in the retracted position.

That last line made me chuckle... neither would I if I had known!! :)

I’m going to beat on the old starter a bit and see if that actually is a spacer plate… That would sure save me a heck of a lot of heartache and money. I’m about 99% certain it isn’t, but you never. Maybe my memory is failing.

Will update tonight if it is.
What year is your truck?

All of the 2nd gen starters I have here are the longer nosed ones.


Cummins NW said they have seen this before and have the right starter arriving Tuesday (they normally stock it they said so they have 3 on order. I decided to not pay the $500 they wanted for one) I don't know. It didn't act like it wanted to come apart. Maybe the adapter is just stuck. I've decided to just rebuild this one with the kit.

If the rebuild doesn't work I'll put a little heat to this one and if there is an adapter and it it wants to separate. I just can't remember installing it when I did the clutch. Maybe I did, I forgot, and it's all my damn fault. :)
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Look at the pic of your OEM starter, again.
See that separation line at the top and the bottom, about 5/16" from where it would seat to the adapter face?
That's the spacer for a 6 speed.
A thin screwdriver and some gentle tapping with a hammer should dislodge it.
Careful, they come in plastic or aluminum.
Looks like yours is aluminum.


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Look at the pic of your OEM starter, again.
See that separation line at the top and the bottom, about 5/16" from where it would seat to the adapter face?
That's the spacer for a 6 speed.
A thin screwdriver and some gentle tapping with a hammer should dislodge it.
Careful, they come in plastic or aluminum.
Looks like yours is aluminum.



Mark I think you are right - I think it is there..... But man.... I hit this thing any harder and something is going to break. I've even tried a putty knife. I don't want to damage it unless the rebuild doesn't work.

I agree, try rebuilding it before using violence and a BFH.
In reality, you should be able to totally rebuild it without even touching the spacer, all the replaceable stuff is accessible.

50/50 mix of Acetone and tranny fluid will loosen it up, just some acetone will help to dissolve some of the crud holding it on.
It fits on a lip just like the one in the pic.

Try tapping it to turn it on the lip after applying some penetrating oil.
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