Starting a Diesel Club in Ky!!


New member
May 4, 2008
I am moving back to Ky. I was stationed in Germany for 2 years and now im coming back for good! Ill be back May 13 2008. I am wanting to start up a DIESEL CLUB and have events at the Clarksville Fair Grounds.. I have acess to Vendors, Dyno, Sled, and more... It is a non profit CLUB.. There is no fee just donations. All money will go to the Sarah Cannon Cancer Center. Some may ask why there... cause my mother has been a fighter for 3 years now and i wanna do what i can to help out. All that is interested in this just hit me back up on here. There is no name for the club yet... That is gonna be decided on the first meeting by vote! If enough people will write back i will release the first meet date!:st:
Hey, I am from Louisville and I am interested. You may want to post this on These guys are mostly from the Lexington area, but they are good people.

Thanks for defending our freedom, and tell your mom to never give up.

I will. Thanks for web site. Its gonna be a slow process at first but i think it will be a big thing later!
I am the president for a couple of western ky diesel truck clubs. Let me know if I can help