Starting trouble


New member
Oct 1, 2007
So this last week my truck has had trouble starting. :bang It just sits and cranks for about a minute before it starts. At first I thought it was just when the engine was cold but I've noticed it doesn't matter much if it's cold or hot but how long it's sat. I was wondering if it could be the timing on the VP going out or something in the fuel lines? What do you guys think? Thanks
fuel filter, lift pump, change out overflow valve, check orings on crossovers and injectors or new pump needed---chris
My money says you have a slow air leak somewhere in the fuel system which is allowing it to loose prime when it sits. You could bump the starter and let the fuel pump run for a few seconds before trying to turn it over after it has sat for a while, until you find your gremlin anyways.
It's a brand new lift pump and filter tho... I'll have to check the o rings but I know the pump primes just fine. Could it be the comp!? For some reason the control face doesn't work on it anymore. Does anyone had that happen to them?
Doubt it's the comp, most likely a nice simple leak...that will cause you to tear your hair out looking for it :bang
when it starts does it just fire right up or does it run like crap for a second?