Steering Wheel outer ring replacement?

Amish Elegance

May 1, 2006
Looking for one, not a cover.

I remember seeing a post a long time ago on TDR where, I believe Tommygun, posted a link to a company that offered replacement outer steering wheel rings in a variety of wood and metal finishes. I can't google it successfully and my membership over there has long lapsed.

My stock one is just starting to show its age and I would rather not give it the wally world perforated pleather and vinyl cord lace do it yourself treatment. (Even though my late grandmother loved hers. LOL)

Any one know if they're still available and where to find em?
I think I have a real nice sheep fleece one on the shelf I can send you... :hehe:

I remember that thread on one of those other forums...I'm interested in a new outer ring replacement as well. These ones from Grant would be perfect but I don't see anything for our trucks. I think I bookmarked that website on my old computer. I'll have to dig out the laptop and see if I can find it.

Thanks for the replies, fellas.

The grant ones are covers that clip/slip over, I believe.

Genos is a high quality stitch it yourself type deal from the way it appears. Me stitching would likely end up with a bloody wrinkled steering wheel, I'm afraid.

Sorry, tough customer I guess. LOL

What I'm interested in is something like this: Clickey


For the 04 and up. You guys are in luck. I'm out in left field with my 03. :(

I could swear I remember the one I saw some time ago being a little more price friendly. Kicking myself for not bookmarking that.
Leonard, you rock... but I don't think it'll fit.

The 03 wheel ring looks like this:

See above for 04 and up.

Stupid 03 oddities. :doh:
hmm the wiring should be the same you could swap out the entire steering wheel if the buttons on the steering wheel are the same