Stock intercooler


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Have there been any testing on a stock intercooler to deter in the restriction compared to an aftermarket one?
I made 1100hp on fuel with a stock intercooler. I don't really see the need for one until over the 1000hp range.
an after market one is not necessarily better since all the ones i have seen are bigger. a bigger intercooler takes more air to fill up, there for your boost will drop (may not be much at all) since your turbo has more volume to fill up causing the boost to rise slower. but this all depends on what turbo you have too. like i said there may not be much of this affect, but its something to think about.
Unless it's an 05 that has the plastic ends on it..... If I remember correctly, 50-60psi is about max they will handle.
My truck is an 05 with a Stanless Diesel 2nd gen manifold swap with an S363 gated turbo. The reason I was asking, both turbo boots are trying to slide off on the hot side. The most boost I see is around 35-42#. Maybe I need to use the hairspray trick. If I get on the throttle, I hear a whistle, which I assume is the air bleeding out of he wastegate.
They do that when they get really hot. reason for a larger cooler is to cool the air better.
Boost numbers are not equal to power out put like the higher the better NO it's reference to a restriction in the exhaust side usually the turbo foot T3.
They do that when they get really hot. reason for a larger cooler is to cool the air better.
Boost numbers are not equal to power out put like the higher the better NO it's reference to a restriction in the exhaust side usually the turbo foot T3.


OP try the hairspray or some new boots. I have never had an issue with the kind of pressures you are seeing.
They do that when they get really hot. reason for a larger cooler is to cool the air better.
Boost numbers are not equal to power out put like the higher the better NO it's reference to a restriction in the exhaust side usually the turbo foot T3.

High boost numbers can be seen because of restrictions on the intake (cold) side. A restriction on the exhaust (hot) side would result in higher egts and more drive pressure.
High boost numbers can be seen because of restrictions on the intake (cold) side. A restriction on the exhaust (hot) side would result in higher egts and more drive pressure.

Yeah correct! it's a back up of air with no where to go quickly! Both lead to the same place!
Yeah correct! it's a back up of air with no where to go quickly! Both lead to the same place!

I don't think a turbo works like you think it does. The exhaust and intake do not cross paths in a turbo. Boost pressure is not a direct indication of an exhaust restriction.
I can't think I would have a restriction on the cold side, even though I'm running a stock intake horn. That's why I was asking about the intercooler. The exhaust manifold is a T4 with the T4/T3 adapter for the S363 turbo. I do have a non-gated S464/71/14, but don't think that would be a good towing turbo. Still waiting for a tune to put in my Smarty Touch.
Unless it's an 05 that has the plastic ends on it..... If I remember correctly, 50-60psi is about max they will handle.

The stock intercooler in my 05 had aluminum ends on it but at the mentioned 50-60 psi it split one of the tubes in the cooler itself in half
The stock intercooler in my 05 had aluminum ends on it but at the mentioned 50-60 psi it split one of the tubes in the cooler itself in half

I've been pushing 80 to 100 psi through mine for a few years and it hasn't failed yet, must be luck of the draw.