Stock #s

Rob D

Get R' Done
Mar 10, 2007

After riding in my truck for over a year now a good friend is going to be purchasing a diesel truck. I remember some time ago there was a thread on here referencing some sort of codes that could be located on the truck that would determine whether or not the truck was a higher or lower output motor from the factory. I want to be able to pass this information along so my buddy can make sure he is purchasing the higher output motor. Does anyone have record of this thread...or can someone with knowledge chime in about what codes correspond to which motor.(years 03-07)


in 05, the torque got bumped up 10 ft/lbs to 570. HP stayed the same.

03-04 (325hp/560ft/lb) 05-07 (325hp/570ft/lb)
Maybe he is talking about the different strategies that seem to respond better to tuning? I remember Ted talking about how Eric always looks at the code on the PCM when he's looking at the 04 trucks.
Just realized I posted my comment in a wrong thread... lol
I would say there is only one.... 6.0.... it had 325hp and 570 lb-ft
Sorry for the confusion guys, its not an electronic code, more of a tagging/badging like a vin number, but not...the thread was about how certain motors did not put out as much hp from the factory...there isn't a "higher output" motor...just a lower one and the normal or "higher" one.
....I don't know how else to explain it - I just remember someone listing off a series of numbers that corresponded with a lower output motor from the factory...guys were going and looking at their trucks and were BS when finding out that their #s matched the less HP motor, I wish I could remember more about the thread, but it had to of been 6 months ago when I was reading was F series specific.
You sure it was on here? I've been reading this site since 06 and don't recall ever seeing that, because I would have checked just for grins...
Probably talking about folks with 05 having issues making the same power as others. There was a certain strategy code VXCF, I think, that was harder to tune, but that has been figured out. I think Doug is actually running a VXCF?????? Frog boy, please respond. Doug never had an issue with it, DJ, Innovative, did, but I think that's gone now.
I run the same code as your Dad's truck I sent you those files for. ZZR0. But I have been experimenting with some other stuff. Haven't been sending out many tunes. I'm trying to get it right first. I appologize for the delays, but I just have a certain way I want this thing to run and I only have short ammounts of time in the morning when its cold enough. Waiting 24 hours to restart is a pain. I think I have knocked the issue where they slow done while cranking and then fire with a big puff of white smoke.
No - that wasn't the issue, I am familiar with the thread you are all talking about though. This is frusterating as heck, I know I read it...and only go on to comp D. There was a tagging somewhere on something in the engine bay with a series of numbers that coded to the perticular motor. Guess its just a waiting game until someone else remembers this thread.