Stock water temp vs. Edge?


May 20, 2007
I was towing my trailer up the Grape Vine in California this past weekend and the stock temp gauge was buried in the red but the the juice monitor said 202F. The motor wasn't running wierd or lacking on power and the fan didn't come on. Which gauge is more accurate, the stock or the Edge. Egt's were 1200-1300 at times, once it hit 1300 I backed out of it. :thankyou2:
Well, logic would denote that if your engine temperature had been as hot as the gauge indicated, you would have noticed it in the performance of the truck. Having said that, it sounds like the sender for the gauge decided it wasn't going to function correctly anymore.
I know for a fact the stock fan clutch will not engage until 212*, so if the fan was not on it was not 212* yet. Does anyone know where the edge draws its water temp signal from?

I put a seperate temp gauge on my old '02 just to see if the dash was accurate because I was getting high readings, around 200-205. The dash was right. I wasn't too worried though because I was running ALOT of fuel and I think thats why the temp came up.
Tcolesanti said:
I know for a fact the stock fan clutch will not engage until 212*, so if the fan was not on it was not 212* yet. Does anyone know where the edge draws its water temp signal from?


Heck, it is prolly some more of that proprietery bull corn. Any time I have asked them questions like how exactly does the map sensor circuit work so I can trouble shoot the voltages all I get is "well, that is proprietery info and it would give out design away." Horse crap. Just tell me how the dang thing works! It is not rocket science I just don't have time to tear the board apart and start probing on the dang thing.
I have no idea why this got re-threaded. I posted this over a month ago. But thanks for the help.