STS tires

inline only

wanna be
Aug 5, 2008
Who has them? who likes them and who don't? Got a single wheel 2nd gen cc lb. Always ran mud tires on trucks in the past and had pretty good luck. Pull in MO on hard and sometimes pretty tacky tracks. Currently running 325 65 18 cooper stt's 35 1350. See alot of guys running STS tires mainly on back of dually's. Was pondering buying a set to run on the rear of my truck and leaving mud tires on the front. What do you guys think if anyone cares to share?
good question ive wondered the same thing myself. seems that the concensous here is either the sts or bf goorich at i have never ran either but here they hook hard. i have always ran the cooper stt in the 325 60 18 and have had decent luck with them
Guys around here seem to have good luck with them. They are getting more and more prevalent every year.

I hope they work since that is what I have ready for this year. If I run duals I am going to run MT atz's or General Grabber at2's on the back and the sts's on the front.
I got some 36 sts ill let you try out. I only got three wheels the other one is on backorder.
we run them on the front and ct on the rear its a dually seem to work pretty here in ohio
I run 33 STSs on my truck- they BITE hard! I used to spin out at the end of the track, but now it pulls the motor down to the point of stalling it- and this is with almost twice the air pressure i ran in my DynaPros. GOOD LUCK-Steven
That bitin hard part is what worries me i put 6 sts's on for this year we'll see. Hope i don't start breaking everything.
You better keep them aired up pretty tight- and have strong driveline parts and ALOT of power to spin em. Like i said, i doubled the air pressure from last year. GOOD LUCK Steven