Super B Special


Feb 27, 2007
Anyone have any experiance with this turbo? I guess it is supposed to be equivlent to a 64/14 Quick Diesel? Anyone run one on a 12 valve? Just wondering if I have the fuel to spool it??
It's a stout turbo for the money. I have several guys running those and with great results. If you have some fuel to run it I think you'll be pleased.
I run the Super B, not the special. Great towing turbo. Just returned from vacation in NM pulling the 5er and am thinking of going with a #10 plate now since my egt's are in check. Why not try as with the cruise on 68, never had to down shift, and seldom droped speed. Stayed below 1000* also.
This is the info the guy gave me 080ar 64milimeter wheel thats about all I know about it I just want to make sure it won't be real laggy BD sight say's it's recamended for a common rail. Do I have the fuel to get it going?
Ok Guy's I'm getting ready to purchase this turbo for my 12 valve the biggest worry I have is driveability and I have a couple of concerns. The first one being will I have the fuel to make this turbo a good runner? I know I got some answers before when I asked but I relly need some reassurance that this will work for me. The turbo came off of a 12 valve with a worked 215 pump and ddp4's the guy loves it but wants to try somthing differant. The fuel he has and the fuel I have are on two differant leval's can I get my pump to put out enough to spool it? Does it now put out enough? I just went through a nightmare with an Hx40 that I do not want to repeat so I'm looking for a bit of reassurance is all..
Need some help here guy's I don't want to buy it if it's not the right one for me.....
Not sure if this is what your asking but it will spool at least as slow as a 40 maybe even alittle slower! Brad Ponci ran one for a very short time and pulled it because it was to slow for his liking try sending him a P.M.
Will it work for now? Cash strapped!! I have been looking at the 435's from new erra that you were running Ben but for now I will not have the dough for a while going into the Holidays so it's important that this decision is the right one. Hey Ben what do you think the egt temps will be like with my Goerand tripple? It's pretty tight! I do not want to drive by the pyro....
I've tried many different turbo/injector combos & here is my advice. If you tow anything....get a 62 charger. A 64 is laggy & not fun to drive on the street unless you have a ton of fuel. A 62 is fast & smooth. With a 62 you will have more drive pressure & the turbo will spool faster & cool better. I dropped 300* switching from a HTB2 64/12 to a HTB2 62/12 & another 150* switching from the HTB2 62/12 to a Super stock 62/71/13. The ss62 spools 150rpm later than the 62/12, but 300rpm earlier than the 64/12. I say to get the 62/12 if you want a fun turbo. Just my $.02
You know I think your right 724 and right now if I could find one for the same price as the super B special I think that would be the way I would go and I also think I would be happier with the 62! What about the 62/71? Is it laggy? More power can be had with it with out it be hot and laggy maybe this is the way to go??
I alredy did and Dave Dias the tech whao answers the questions said that he would not put it on my truck for an every day driver. I'm thinking I don't want a hot smoky truck for the ocasional top end blast performance. That being said I guess I have to keep looking for somthing in the 62/14 area....
What kinda $$ can you get it for? P.M. if if need be, maybe you could use it to trade with someone.....although you could also get stuck with it!