t-shirt contest

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I'm looking for some pics to put on my website. If anybody has some cool pics of places you have been while wearing an HD shirt, post them up and I will use some of them on our website. For the best one I will give you a $100 credit good for any of our products.

if i had a HD shirt i would get one this saturday with a sunset in the back ground with a girl in a bikini wearing the shirt. while i'm out on the Chesapeake bay.
yes they can, that is the link I am working on now. You can always call and order them 10 bones. And the bikini in chesapeak bay would be nice!
if only I can find my old camera.

The places the "Big Stick" shirt has been
Cummins bus it sounds like you have the O.G. HD shirts. Post up some pics man

High finance. You are in the lead as of now, thanks for sporting the Threads!

Come on guys, no pics of any of the girls at TS with them on?

If I had one, I just might get a pic of it draped off the side of the dock, lit by a bonfire, glistening bodies just visable skinny dippin in the chesapeake bay on June 27th, fireworks over head.........
possibly, it depends on who posts what. Remember this has to go on my website for apparel so it has to be Something I could get away with posting. I could have just took a picture of a shirt but I figured this would be more fun.

Post up anything you want but I can only use "decent photos" for the apparel tab on my website.

BTW cashweel has a cool pic as well it lookes like highfinance is no longer in the lead.

So can I order a shirt from you now Zach? I need to call and talk with you about getting a cam anyhow so I could just place my order then. Thanks Zach :rockwoot:
I will be out of the office from Wed. through next monday. Call Ryan, he will get you hooked up.

This is gonna get intresting can't wait to see some of these pics!! I have too see wat I got
if i had a HD shirt i would get one this saturday with a sunset in the back ground with a girl in a bikini wearing the shirt. while i'm out on the Chesapeake bay.

If she's wearing the shirt, how are yu gonn aknow she's wearing a bikini?:rules:
If she's wearing the shirt, how are yu gonn aknow she's wearing a bikini?:rules:

tie the bottom of the shirt up in the front so you can still see her ass in the bikini!

talked to ryan today and ordered my shirt hopefully the weather with be nicer to us on the weekends so i can go out this past weekend was nasty and rainy.
Dude..the weather is stupid state is just ridiculous!!